/ Product description and story /
A pair of dark and full of thick cocoon hand, fine care like a small crystal.
Metallic luster lining more dazzling.
Hammer hammering sound filled with, there are edges and corners but also around the formation of harmony.
Indian craftsmen handmade bronze utensils, traditional craftsmanship, giving the perfect value of handwork.
Can be used in copper cans
Copper is a very good thermal conductivity of the metal, boiled boiled things very fast, the heat is not even like stainless steel is only concentrated in the part of the flame, so the heating is not easy to burn the pot. Is a good helper for mom or lazy supper.
Within the copper tin
Bronze maintenance:
- Wash with a mild detergent with a sponge and rinse the detergent.
- Do not brush with a brush.
- After washing with a soft towel dry, bronze to avoid the case without wiping directly dry, because the residual water droplets on the surface will leave traces.
- bronze for a long time placed in the general environment, the color will be dark is a natural phenomenon, you can regularly wipe with lemon juice can go to copper spot.
- Be careful not to use in a microwave or dishwasher.
2CM high X 4 CM diameter
/ Material /
/ Designer and brand profile /
Cocoon design + fair trade
Taiwan's first WFTO World Fair Trade Organization certified member
1% of your purchases will be donated to the earth
1% For The Planet
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Origin / manufacturing method
India 's Fair Trade Organization
Product Description
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- Material
- Other Metals
- How It's Made
- Handmade
- Where It's Made
- India
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- Original Design
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