Daughter happy pouch / Wedding Accessories / Mi 10 month age group ceremony

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Daughter happy pouch / Wedding Accessories / Mi 10 month age group ceremony - Nail Care - Other Materials Red

Product Description

**This product is defined Pinkoi** **The best want to leave u** **How many times the mother's name because regardless of call** **Or become a mother** **But always remember u like me** **Daughter is forever** ================= [Daughter] was born, and my father had had originated in the mother's love and care for their children, even to the man his wife that day, parents share care will only get more. Many couples like the happy pouch, except cute appearance, special meaning is more suitable as a wedding gift! 1. Happiness pouch provides flexible choices and services to make your wedding more warm! 2. Happiness pouch made of cotton bags, containing a single product [price] as a combination. 3. You can add available means edge repair cream or lip balm with that happiness pouch containing two or three items. 4. Ordering was extremely enthusiastic after payment confirmation will be discharged into the production preparation. Keep three days working time. 5. If the number of invited require more lead time to discuss news and promotions. 6. If the number or other contents demand, invited contact information, thank you. ■ Order Quantity (Minimum order 10 sets without Retail) https://www.pinkoi.com/product/1Xp0Q8C1 (幸福小袋20組) https://www.pinkoi.com/product/1EIabSbs (幸福小袋100組) ■ Cotton Bag Dimensions: 10 x 16 cm ■ Contents: choose one of the following items (To order an extra two or three quotes) Happy Hand Cream (25ml) * rose essential oil fragrance, and serious / caring hand cream different models https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5836/22591520160_8b0b4aef2b_b.jpg Refers to the edge of the repair paste mixed subsection (10ml) https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/692/22158541663_bb1107ea99_b.jpg Lip Balm (10ml) https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/578/22753499126_16871a6395_b.jpg ■ Accessories Wedding Edition Propaganda (load happy little pouch) https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t31.0-8/1502263_10204682048112656_58308620859828210_o.jpg Kraft paper flowers (filled with so plump appearance) https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/723/22753457756_abc5d6250c_b.jpg ■ characteristic ingredients https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7430/27853944681_aa4c39bd3b.jpg ■ Brand Story https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1637/26536924595_c0ffed4f98_b.jpg ■ goods and services https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7341/27853942781_77906e13a3_b.jpg ■ shipping jobs https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7431/27652367300_9c9d222d53_b.jpg ■ Special attention https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7227/27930839815_c3f7e3b7fa_b.jpg

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Pinkoi Exclusive, Customizable
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