Eva Hand Painted Bowls 不銹鋼手繪碗

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Eva Hand Painted Bowls 不銹鋼手繪碗 - Bowls - Other Metals

Product Description

翅膀一震,飛上了枝梢,清朗的藍天,好不自在;火紅的太陽下山,牠的背影紅的發熱; 鑽進綠樹林間,逍遙樂活;暗夜,牠搖身一變成為守護者,倚在樹上,靜觀萬物的變動。 印度總是帶著濃厚的色彩驚艷力,喜於將傳統色彩繪製在許多生活用品上,甚至是卡車及房屋,這不只是豐富了視覺,也豐富了他們的心! 《Eva Hand Painted Products》 這系列皆為公平貿易商品(Fair Trade Products),透過與當地藝術家的緊密合作,確保藝術家交易上的公平及安全,讓好的藝術品永續創造,可以繼續流傳至更多地方。 商品顏色:紅底白鳥 藍底白鳥 缺貨 綠底白鳥 缺貨 淺藍底白鳥 缺貨 白底紅鳥 缺貨 白底綠鳥 缺貨 白底藍鳥 缺貨 白底黑鳥 缺貨 商品材質:不鏽鋼,植物性顏料手繪製作 商品附註: * 手繪杯可當花器 * 每個都是手繪,故稍有差異 * 下標請註明購買顏色 It is a tradition of Inida to paint everything with bright colors, from the pots and cups for everyday use to the trucks and houses, they live in a colorful world which is full of joy and hope. These exquisite hand painted bowls are available for 8 colorways. These bowls are perfect mate for dinning, picnics, or parties. You can even use it as a flower holder. Let the colors delight your life! 《關於Twine繭裹子》 Twine繭裹子,是一個致力於環保產品設計(Eco-Friendly Design)以及推廣商品公平貿易(Fair Trade)理念的品牌,由Elizabeth Tsai 和 Vinka Yang兩位空間設計師創立。 Twine繭裹設計的產品注重造型和手工,結合現代設計與傳統技術,強調自然材質,以可環保回收的生產方式,確保所有產品的原創性。最重要的是,以公平貿易和友善環境的概念出發,在享受設計的同時,達到社會關懷及環保的目的。 Twine focuses on producing Eco-Friendly Design Products and promoting the idea of Fair Trade. Most of our products are hand-made which are made of eco-friendly and recycle materials. By combining contemporary design and traditional skills, we make extraordinary products. We believe that Twine’s caring above the society and respect toward to nature creates more possibilities of design.

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