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“Zik” has the same pronunciation in Cantonese as “weaving”. As a result, “zik zik² - Creative Crocheting Classroom” was found.
I am not graduated from a design school or as an artist. I have lived on writing and travelling for the last ten years of my life. Before entering the third “ten-year mark”, I wondered whether I should jump out of my comfort zone and give myself a new direction. Due to being a travel writer, I was given many opportunities to travel to different countries, experience many unique cultures and get countless inspirations.
During a trip to the Baltic Sea, I went to Lielvārdes, a small Latvia town where I first encountered Liervarde weaving technology. Their traditional weaving patterns deeply attracted me. It is hard to imagine how the ancients used different strands to weave different fancy styles. At the end of the journey, I learned traditional weaving techniques and tried to add those cultural fashions I had seen during my travel into my fabrics. At the same time, I studied crocheting design by myself, turning yarns into a creative tool and turning out unique pieces of work.
The establishment of “zik²” not only hopes to share my creations with more people but also hopes to weave my unique style with weavers worldwide through different types of workshops.