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Guangzhou Zhiliao Cultural and Creative Co., committed tocultural and creative products, interior spaces, and all the beauti-ful designs in life. Provide cultural and creative brand design,product development andimplementation, product supply andoperation and otherindustrial cultural and creative comprehen-sive services.
We have excellent design strength. The design team is led by expe-rienced senior designer Zhang Haojiu and artist Cai Yexiao; thebackbone ofthe team is composed of creative and original youngdesigners who graduated from major art academies.We are good at starting from the cultural and creative commodityindustry ecological chain integrating brand, product, packaging,production, space, sales, operation, etc., to develop landing solutions from "creativity to sales", and to provide cultural andcreative development for museums, enterprises, etc. At present,ithas provided industrial cultural and creative creative solutions formany museums, units, and enterprises.