Zabufen was founded by two marginalized people who did not want to be socialized. We all don’t want life to pass by like this. There are still things we want to do and things we want to say, so give yourself another chance to live seriously for yourself. We have all traveled to the end of the world for love, and set foot on a strange country in life to realize our dreams. However, after the dream passed, we found that it was just an escape for a while, and we still have to face reality in life. So, HERE WE ARE.
Qiu Qiu: I really like German cultural things. Actually, it’s not that easy to find in Taiwan, so I’ll make my own.
Lynne: When I was a street performer in Australia, I loved seeing the smiles of customers when they received portrait paintings, the emotions and stories they shared with me. I want to continue these good things in Taiwan!
Qiuqiu and Lynne have similar ideas and preferences but completely different personalities. The only thing they have in common is that we are mostly in a no-brainer mood about most things, but we have absolute insistence on some values, such as: again in No distinction! To my dear colleagues, don’t be indifferent any more!
In: preposition, expressing place, time, scope, position, etc. Adverb indicating that an action is in progress. Used with "suo" to express emphasis, it is often used with negative words.
Again: Indicates that the action continues to be repeated.
By Wikipedia