Full order marriage rings and accessories,
It is called jumalia which has produced a wide range of items up to dog tags.
Major in architecture design at university,
Two years after graduation I learned the technique of engraving at a vocational school.
After that, after working for the silver accessory maker
I am making it with full order made.
tulipan is made by such jumalia
It is an original accessory brand.
Tulipan means tulip in Hungarian.
Traditional Hungarian jumalia is its own roots
We are producing embroidery motif from 2011
It is a series of original accessories.
From prototype production to polishing finish, each one is done manually,
Not only accessories but also cutlery and tableware
I am producing works of a wide range of genres.
You can keep wearing long regardless of trends,
Even if there is a breakdown you can be wearing while fixing it,
Accessories that become your own classic
Things to reach the hands of those who are looking for
It is the most happiness.