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Play with Kids is an original brand of social enterprise. We mainly design children's learning toys from 0-8 years old. There are nearly 60 toys available. The brand image is the mother and son of the kangaroo and the son holding the toy. It means that our toys can increase the joy of parenting, and can enhance children's cognition, logical thinking, concentration, size and muscle, space concept, language expression, etc. from play. The development has made Play with Kids a good helper for parents and teachers.
Play with Kids is a social enterprise of Caritas Macau. The toy is produced by more than 30 disabled people and designed by enthusiastic teachers, social workers, occupational therapists, graphic designers and sewing experts. The goal is to create more positions. For the disabled and to become a quality cultural and creative product, the Play with Kids brand currently has two stores in Macau. All positions employ disabled people. We hope to continue to create more jobs and make the brand a platform for the development of people with disabilities.