Nice little clay was forming in 1994 .When two Art student found their life in Art university had too much free time.And now become to their business!
When I was 14 years old. l asked my father "Where are the best art school in Thailand?" He said "The College of Fine Art " and "Are you sure? You are too young to live alone," he said. "l'm sure dad!!" I said. That was when my real life began. l think The College of Fine Art is a place where l like to be. Everyday we learned about Art.... For 5 years and it never stopped. That was the best in my lifetime.
I met Titaree in 1987. l loved the way she created and she gave me so much inspiration. I learned a lot from her. In 1992 We attended the Art University. There they gave us many ideas and help us to be creative. Titaree was in the Ceramic department. And I studied Applied Art. In our free time we thought, we can make some special things for sale in the flea market on the weekend. So "Nice little clay" started since 1994 until now .Our concept is to make "Art on pottery". Our inspiration comes from people around us and also from the cats and dogs.
After we finished University. We thought our shop can become to business .i'm back to my hometown to begin our business and take care my father in 2005. Many years passed by.We still can continue do our works . Because . .. The supported from buyers .We appreciate and love to say Thank you for giving us a change to live to continue our create .Now we be here "Etsy". we hope to see the Supported for us to live and can go on our Art create . Thank you all