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Yellow represents sunshine, happiness, and hope.
Color filling is one of the most enjoyable things in our childhood when there is no internet and any mobile services.When everything overshadowed by technology, we lost our childhood creativity at the same time. Therefore, we encourage people, especially families to show their creativity on our colouring products. Let it be simple to enhance interactions with children and friends.
'Miss Branches' represents the vine and branches in Bible.
I am the vine. You are the branches. He who remains in me, and I in him, the same bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
(John 15:5)
It expresses our sameness of nature with Christ and our close union to him. He would have the same feeling if we are sad. So that I hope 'Miss Branches' telling you that you are not alone, and you have the choice to be happy. :)
So, have you smiled today?