Lumiè A.M

On Pinkoi since 2022
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1-3 days
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路洣 Lumiè A.M │ About Us
路洣 Lumiè A.M發想於法文Lumière (n.f.),我們相信好的產品,能啟蒙你我的生活,成為照亮日子的一道光。A.M為創辦人Fay和Emma的縮寫,也代表「早晨」的意思。我們期待精心挑選的商品,如同早晨光線一樣照暖你們的日常,把生活過成自己喜歡的樣子。

品牌理念 │ Brand Philosophy
路洣 Lumiè A.M自成立以來,不斷嘗試使用網路與國外小型設計品牌互動,尋找相同理念的香氛、保養及家居品牌和創辦人:簡單生活,對環境友善,無動物實驗並善盡社會責任,以最自然的方式讓生理和心理獲得滋養,共同攜手將這份「純粹的好」傳達給大家。

FB :Lumiè A.M 路洣
IG: lumie_a.m

Refunds & Exchanges
If you have any questions about the item, we recommend that you contact the designer before purchasing. A conversation beforehand can sufficiently reduce the potential time, energy and expenses needed for the refund and exchange process.
Refund requests should be made within 7 days after receiving the order.
Designers reserve the right to decline a refund request if it is not made within the 7 day period after the order arrives at the customer or if it does not meet the terms outlined in the Pinkoi Return Policy. We recommend that you contact the designer before requesting a refund.
Designers reserve the right to decline refund requests for the following product types:
  • Customized products
  • Opened personal hygiene products
Refund process
  • Once the designer receives a request, they will contact the customer within 3 working days.
  • Once the designer approves the refund, please return the refund item(s) within 3 working days and send a message to the designer via Chats to notify them. Please also attach the name of the courier and the tracking number.
  • Once the designer receives the refund item(s), they will verify and complete the refund within 3 working days.
This shop does not provide exchanges
  • If you have any questions about the item or order, please contact the designer via Chats.