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Finding new designs that change the world is our mission
Founded in 2014, from the Kickstarter fundraising platform’s superstar product Polar Pen to the timeless pens of top Italian design company Pininfarina, our mission is to bring novel designs back to Taiwan and share them with people who appreciate these products as much as we do. .
Brand list
・Italy|Napkin Forever series of imprintless pens
・Ukraine|Ugears self-propelled wooden model
・Canada|Nanodots Lego in the 21st century
・Canada|Polar pen 2.0 magnetic pen
・Estonia|Tesla Amazing Electrostatic Sticky Notes
・USA|MakeyMakey Inventor’s Toolbox
・Belgium|Glass&Glam versatile sunglasses
・United States|Archie McPhee Finger Hands
・UK|Magnetips incredible magnetic pen
・Canada|Today Is Art Day Art Heroes League
Facebook fan page: CUBICO