Good Luck Dragon original hand-painted oil painting Spring Festival couplets - water wave style & lantern style/limited edition/180 pounds thick fine grain paper

Automatic Translation (Original Language: Chinese-Traditional)
US$ 3.57
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Good Luck Dragon original hand-painted oil painting Spring Festival couplets - water wave style & lantern style/limited edition/180 pounds thick fine grain paper - Chinese New Year - Paper
Good Luck Dragon original hand-painted oil painting Spring Festival couplets - water wave style & lantern style/limited edition/180 pounds thick fine grain paper - Chinese New Year - Paper Good Luck Dragon original hand-painted oil painting Spring Festival couplets - water wave style & lantern style/limited edition/180 pounds thick fine grain paperGood Luck Dragon original hand-painted oil painting Spring Festival couplets - water wave style & lantern style/limited edition/180 pounds thick fine grain paperGood Luck Dragon original hand-painted oil painting Spring Festival couplets - water wave style & lantern style/limited edition/180 pounds thick fine grain paper

Product Description

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Show original (Chinese-Traditional)
This time, as we enter the Chinese Year of the Dragon, I have the inspiration to create a dragon. I want to create a dragon that is domineering, mighty, gentle, and auspicious at the same time, different from the dragons seen in temples. The headdress of the good luck dragon: the bat represents "good luck", and the pine leaf on the tip of the nose represents "longevity". The dragon ball or orb is held in the hand, and it is tumbling freely in the sea of clouds.
The happy and good-luck dragon couplets in the same style as the oil painting can help you attract wealth and good luck!

Detailed materials and specifications:
The Spring Festival couplets will be used for a long time, so they use 180-pound thick fine-grained paper, which is close to the texture of a small card and has fine texture, making it more durable and durable. Size: 20*20cm

Product Details

Where It's Made
More than 10
No.68,779 - Stationery  |  No.4,729 - Chinese New Year
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Product Type
Original Design
Listing Summary
This time, as we enter the Chinese Year of the Dragon, I have the inspiration to create a dragon. I want to create a dragon that is domineering, mighty, gentle, and auspicious at the same time, different from the dragons seen in temples. The headdress of the good luck dragon: the bat represents "good luck", and the pine leaf on the tip of the nose represents "longevity". The dragon ball or orb is held in the hand, and it is tumbling freely in the sea of ​​clouds. Good Luck Dragon Spring Couplets help you attract wealth and good luck

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