P.Seven Hunter EDT

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P.Seven | Taiwanese Tea Perfume
P.Seven | Taiwanese Tea Perfume
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P.Seven Hunter EDT - Perfumes & Balms - Glass Blue

Product Description

[Like the wind, I have my own hunting grounds] With the spicy scent of maqaw mountain pepper, the green aroma of betel nut foliage, and the light sweetness of millet wine, this is a joyful fragrance of full of vitality and joyful admiration amidst the swirling scent of woody tobacco. P.Seven| Taiwan Indigenous Asa continuation of the spirit of "Taiwan in a Bottle", P.Seven hasbeen inspired by the muse of the cultural diversity of Taiwan, creating thisIndigenous Series with "faith and practice" as its main storyline. The concept comes fromthe indigenous belief of "hunting and rituals", presenting theculture of hunting beliefs and the beautiful hope of celebrating abundance. Itis a vibrant and joyful fragrance. Hunter hunting and festivals Thelight fragrance of millet wine Rushingwith my body Thelight scent of tobacco Injectsenergy into my mind and soul I believe, I exist Popularity #1 Notes ★Sour and sweet light foliage,full of sensory dynamics★ Basenote: Tobacco woody Fragrancenote: Citrus/woody/musk Topnote: Millet wine Middlenote: Cypress Basenote: Ambergris Ingredients: Plant-basedalcohol, pure water, perfume AromaNotes: Faithis the collective consciousness of a culture, and indigenous peoples' reverencefor the earth and everything in it extends to social behaviors that aremysterious. Thedesign of Hunter is inspired by theirhunting and celebration culture, with their appreciation for the earth and allthings, and their appreciation of the abundance of life, with maqaw mountain pepperand rice wine on the celebration table, and the wood and swirling tobacco scentof the celebrations emanating the symbols of happiness. Happinessis not necessarily material, for faith allows you to move forward and to becontent and happy. Specialnote: As the main star of the Indigenous series, it also lived up to its expectationswhen it was voted as the number one desired new fragrance at the Taiwan Aroma Exhibition. Ithas the spicy characteristics of cypress and maqaw mountain pepper, but stilldoes not diminish the passionate love of our female fans. It features neutralfragrance notes, and is easy to fall in love with for those who loveversatility. Recommended for:Straight men, mature girls, Friday night fun Place of Origin: Taiwan (Made in Taiwan) Store adequately ventilated, avoid sun and heat How to use: Apply a proper amount of perfume, lightly on the inside of the wrist/neck / behind the ear * Note: Please stay away from fire / do not drink/stay away from children / any abnormalcy, please stop using and seek medical attention

Product Details

How It's Made
Where It's Made
More than 10
No.299 - Beauty & Personal Care  |  No.50 - Perfumes & Balms
  • 83 sold
  • 360 have saved this item
Product Type
Original Design
Listing Summary
NYFW New York Fashion Week: "The fragrance of Hunter is full of original appeal!"

Cosmetics Information

Ingredients: Plant-based alcohol, pure water, perfume
10.0 ml x 1

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