▲ twisted hand woven saris line made with natural feel

▲ Sari line varies each color distribution, the top of each color is unique Oh!

▲ follow traditional weave, back to nature for a better experience

▲ time-consuming hand-woven, were all very solid

▲ incorporating convenient, travel abroad friends

▲ sewn cotton within Riga

▲ feel wearing a natural hat to travel together!

▲ attach feel carton packaging, let you send a gift is also very convenient

▲ to the side of the small objects,
Imagine a distant country,
Start 3D heart function,
Imagine you're free birds,
The original trip is the most comfortable way of life,
With exclusive color hat, and occasionally too small hippie life!
▲ Material: cotton saris line +
▲ Size:
Origin / manufacturing methods