Original hand-painted oil painting - lotus night dream

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US$ 1,880.77
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Original hand-painted oil painting - lotus night dreamOriginal hand-painted oil painting - lotus night dream - Posters - Cotton & Hemp Original hand-painted oil painting - lotus night dreamOriginal hand-painted oil painting - lotus night dreamOriginal hand-painted oil painting - lotus night dreamOriginal hand-painted oil painting - lotus night dream

Product Description

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Show original (Chinese-Traditional)
1. Title of work: Original hand-painted oil painting - Lotus Night Dreaming
2. The place of origin of the work: Original hand-painted by Taiwanese artist Rita (Huiyin Grassland Xinchuang Space)
3. Work size: 121.5X96 cm
4. Commodity material: Linen canvas without frame (negotiable if frame is required)
5. Commodity features: unique, only this one
6. Oil painting storage method: Do not put it in a damp place, do not expose it to the sun, if there is sticky dust, wipe it gently with a damp cloth.
7. Commodity use: paintings can be hung directly on hooks (it is recommended to hang large-sized paintings after they are framed)

Product Details

Cotton & Hemp
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Where It's Made
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No.159,378 - Home & Living  |  No.13,131 - Posters
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Product Type
Original Design
Listing Summary
The lotus blooms out of the mud without being stained, and its artistic conception is refined, which makes people yearn for it, but it is also beyond reach. However, in the troubled and turbulent secular world, how can we be in the world but not belong to the world? It is hoped to create such a space, so that viewers can immerse themselves in the lotus pond full of moonlight and quiet like a dream, and return to peace of mind and body at any time.

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