Japanese style silk table runner

US$ 45.63
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Japanese style silk table runner - Place Mats & Dining Décor - Silk Pink
Japanese style silk table runner - Place Mats & Dining Décor - Silk PinkJapanese style silk table runnerJapanese style silk table runnerJapanese style silk table runnerJapanese style silk table runnerJapanese style silk table runnerJapanese style silk table runnerJapanese style silk table runnerJapanese style silk table runnerJapanese style silk table runner

Product Description

Size: ~270 × 30 cm
(Length can be changed. Please contact us)
Material : 100% silk

We have remade a gorgeous Japanese textile obi into a table runner. 
This elegant design has a beautiful, soft atmosphere with a light cherry blossom silk ground. This elegant table runner has a floral arabesque design on a light cherry red silk ground. The Hana arabesque is a traditional Japanese design that features an intertwined pattern of flowers and vines. This pattern symbolizes beauty, harmony and prosperity. The endless growth of the vines symbolizes vitality and development, and the beauty of the flowers and the graceful curves of the vines express beauty and harmony. This gives meaning to the desire for a peaceful and harmonious life.

Place it on your table for a gorgeous accent in your room! 

It is the one and only handmade product in the world, so it can be a gift for your loved ones.

※ Please be cautious as there is a risk of shrinking if it comes into contact with water.

Product Details

How It's Made
Where It's Made
Unique Features
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No.14,107 - Kitchen & Dining  |  No.560 - Place Mats & Dining Décor
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Product Type
Original Design
Listing Summary
This table runner is made by remaking a kimono belt. silk 100%, classy and traditional Japanese design, material: silk size: ~270 × 30 cm

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US$ 3.92
Courier selected by designer | Estimated delivery between 3/2~3/5 if you order now | Tracking Provided
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Estimated delivery dates are based on the designer’s product preparation time, the destination, and the shipping duration. The actual delivery date may be affected by the payment time and shipping delays.
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