They are large baleen whales- marine mammal. Who made wonderful sound.
The humpback whales will save any animals attacked by killer whales. From the records of 1951 to 2012, 115 similar behaviors were found. The creatures they rescued included sea lions, seals, sunfish, grey whales, and Human.
There are currently more than 70,000 species in the world face disappearance crisis.
Most of the reasons are closely related to human activities.
Endangered species series of postcards,
hoping that more people can understand them,
and also hoping more people will join and change a little bit of life habits.
Self-preparation cutlery, shopping bags, reduce plastic, no waste, etc.
They are all small, tiny things that we can do for animals and environment.
/ This postcard will not contain plastic packaging due to plastic reduction.
/ Size: 11 x 14 cm
/ Paper: 420 um Ivory + Hot Stamping
/ Cards are digital prints, handdrawn by ty.HSU
They are large baleen whales- marine mammal. Who made wonderful sound.
The humpback whales will save any animals attacked by killer whales. From the records of 1951 to 2012, 115 similar behaviors were found. The creatures they rescued included sea lions, seals, sunfish, grey whales, and Human.
There are currently more than 70,000 species in the world face disappearance crisis.
Most of the reasons are closely related to human activities.
Endangered species series of postcards,
hoping that more people can understand them,
and also hoping more people will join and change a little bit of life habits.
Self-preparation cutlery, shopping bags, reduce plastic, no waste, etc.
They are all small, tiny things that we can do for animals and environment.
/ This postcard will not contain plastic packaging due to plastic reduction.
/ Size: 11 x 14 cm
/ Paper: 420 um Ivory + Hot Stamping
/ Cards are digital prints, handdrawn by ty.HSU