The main bag may be used as a 9.7-inch laptop bag. The backpack straps can be removed so that the bag may be used as a carry bag. Cordura-grade waterproof fabric is used, so whatever you put in the bag are safely protected even in the rain. This bag may also be used as a storage bag for the Nintendo Switch. It is a must buy for sure!
Matchwood improved the Sacoche's functionality, adding more layers and pouches for better organization. The main bag may be used as a 9.7-inch laptop bag. The backpack straps can be removed so that the bag may be used as a carry bag. Cordura grade waterproof fabric is used, and camouflage and blue-white blend styles have been independently developed. All the materials used in making of this bag are manufactured in Taiwan, passed non-toxic inspection test, and obtained the Taiwan Excellence MIT Smile Mark issued by the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan.
Bag details:
Main bag body X1
The main compartment can be used to place 9.7-inch tablet or personal items such as wallet / coin purse / key / passport
Front side wide-opening layer (X1)
Can be used to store stationery/notebook/invoice or cables
Front pocket x2 + pen holder x1
Color: All Black / Camouflage / Denim / Black Army Green / Black Red
Capacity: 1.5L Size: 26 (W) X19 (H) X3 (T) cm
Material: 560D waterproof nylon canvas
Matchwood improved the Sacoche's functionality, adding more layers and pouches for better organization. The main bag may be used as a 9.7-inch laptop bag. The backpack straps can be removed so that the bag may be used as a carry bag. Cordura grade waterproof fabric is used, and camouflage and blue-white blend styles have been independently developed. All the materials used in making of this bag are manufactured in Taiwan, passed non-toxic inspection test, and obtained the Taiwan Excellence MIT Smile Mark issued by the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan.
Bag details:
Main bag body X1
The main compartment can be used to place 9.7-inch tablet or personal items such as wallet / coin purse / key / passport
Front side wide-opening layer (X1)
Can be used to store stationery/notebook/invoice or cables
Front pocket x2 + pen holder x1
Color: All Black / Camouflage / Denim / Black Army Green / Black Red
Capacity: 1.5L Size: 26 (W) X19 (H) X3 (T) cm
Material: 560D waterproof nylon canvas