This bouquet of roses is super pure, with no extra decoration, allowing each one to exude its most beautiful look. The emotion is direct and sincere, and it is super touching!
ʚ Product introductionɞ
Type of flower material: Immortal roses imported from Japan
Product specifications: 30 width x 40 height cm
Comes with bouquet carrying bag
Represents harvest and abundance
I hope everyone who receives the flower gift will be filled with happiness and emotion.
Feel full of warmth and love, take this happiness home and make it a part of your daily life
Bring you beauty that never fades, let this beauty stay in your heart forever and become an eternal memory
Every Flower, a Harvest of Love and Joy
Sending flowers does not need to be limited to special days.
A sudden romantic surprise in ordinary days can make people even more excited.
If you want to pamper yourself, a bouquet of flowers can instantly brighten your mood!
ʚ Store Descriptionɞ
• Our items are handmade and each piece features natural flowers, so there may be slight differences in each finished product!
• Flower appearance, color and size may vary from lot to lot and season to season.
• In the event of shortages or quality issues, we will select suitable substitutions to maintain overall performance.
• The photos are taken in person, and the color may appear slightly different due to screen differences.
• Preserved flowers are relatively fragile and some may fall off during transportation. This is normal and we will package them carefully to protect them.
• If you have any questions after receiving the goods, please contact us first and we will deal with it as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and support!
• Preserved flowers do not require glue
• Avoid direct sunlight or high temperature environment
• Avoid touching flowers frequently
• Please place it in a dry space to avoid contact with moisture
• Dust can be removed by gentle blowing with cold air or a soft brush
• The color will gradually fade over time during the viewing period of 2-3 years, which is normal.
• If you have any customization needs or product inquiries, please feel free to chat~
ʚ Product introductionɞ
Type of flower material: Immortal roses imported from Japan
Product specifications: 30 width x 40 height cm
Comes with bouquet carrying bag
Represents harvest and abundance
I hope everyone who receives the flower gift will be filled with happiness and emotion.
Feel full of warmth and love, take this happiness home and make it a part of your daily life
Bring you beauty that never fades, let this beauty stay in your heart forever and become an eternal memory
Every Flower, a Harvest of Love and Joy
Sending flowers does not need to be limited to special days.
A sudden romantic surprise in ordinary days can make people even more excited.
If you want to pamper yourself, a bouquet of flowers can instantly brighten your mood!
ʚ Store Descriptionɞ
• Our items are handmade and each piece features natural flowers, so there may be slight differences in each finished product!
• Flower appearance, color and size may vary from lot to lot and season to season.
• In the event of shortages or quality issues, we will select suitable substitutions to maintain overall performance.
• The photos are taken in person, and the color may appear slightly different due to screen differences.
• Preserved flowers are relatively fragile and some may fall off during transportation. This is normal and we will package them carefully to protect them.
• If you have any questions after receiving the goods, please contact us first and we will deal with it as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and support!
• Preserved flowers do not require glue
• Avoid direct sunlight or high temperature environment
• Avoid touching flowers frequently
• Please place it in a dry space to avoid contact with moisture
• Dust can be removed by gentle blowing with cold air or a soft brush
• The color will gradually fade over time during the viewing period of 2-3 years, which is normal.
• If you have any customization needs or product inquiries, please feel free to chat~