Want 10,12,14,16,18,20 sheets in different colors?
1. Select the required quantity and the option "different colors" and leave a mark in the "Comments" field with the colors you need during registration. Each set includes a cotton wick.
Your beeswax kit will arrive in a beautiful dense craft box with a transparent window. You can make candles with your whole family by giving the warmth of your hands and positive energy into candles, which you can pack in a box and give those you want to take care of. Beeswax candles have the magical power of nature - when burned, they release antibacterial substances into the air.
1. Select the required quantity and the option "different colors" and leave a mark in the "Comments" field with the colors you need during registration. Each set includes a cotton wick.
Your beeswax kit will arrive in a beautiful dense craft box with a transparent window. You can make candles with your whole family by giving the warmth of your hands and positive energy into candles, which you can pack in a box and give those you want to take care of. Beeswax candles have the magical power of nature - when burned, they release antibacterial substances into the air.