After long-awaited Matcha Pu'er finally released 😚
Fresh and natural, not bitter nor sweet, just really cute is the best taste! !

<<Name of the dish>>
Matcha Pu'er Milk Candy

Color: Matcha milk green + Puer latte khaki
Hong: Fresh Japanese earth color
Taste: light pink, with light blue tannins take very cowboy

Meal size: about 6cm wide

<Used ingredients>
Taiwan's festival knit cotton: special textured veins so that the fabric looks low-key but interesting
Feel: solid, soft
Made in Taiwan flat cotton cloth: soft, solid
<Cooking method>

Hand sewn, ironing
How the amount of size and detailed copy transmission portal:
Origin / manufacturing methods
- Taiwan / Handmade -
Fresh and natural, not bitter nor sweet, just really cute is the best taste! !

<<Name of the dish>>
Matcha Pu'er Milk Candy

Color: Matcha milk green + Puer latte khaki
Hong: Fresh Japanese earth color
Taste: light pink, with light blue tannins take very cowboy

Meal size: about 6cm wide

<Used ingredients>
Taiwan's festival knit cotton: special textured veins so that the fabric looks low-key but interesting
Feel: solid, soft
Made in Taiwan flat cotton cloth: soft, solid
<Cooking method>

Hand sewn, ironing
How the amount of size and detailed copy transmission portal:
Origin / manufacturing methods
- Taiwan / Handmade -