【Workshop(s)】Tea Tasting for Family with Kids (min 2 person HKD500 per person)

US$ 64.30


Workshop Information

Workshop Summary
It is a senses-opening tea journey! 【If you are interested in participating in this workshop, please contact us first to check and confirm the time】 【If you are interested in participating in this workshop and would like to arrange another date and time, you are welcome to contact us. 】
Next Workshop
2025/3/15 (Sat
Payment must be completed at least 3 days before the workshop.
Workshop Location
Hong Kong / Hong Kong Island
Workshop Language
Mandarin, Cantonese, English
Workshop Address
香港柴灣利眾街40號 富誠工業大廈B座15樓B2室
Admission Time
15 minutes before the workshop begins
Workshop Duration
1.5 hours
Age Restriction
No age restriction
Spots left
No.7,090 - Workshops  |  No.552 - Other
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Tea Tasting for Family with Kids (min 2 person HKD500 per person) - Other - Other Materials

Workshop Description

【If you are interested in participating in this workshop, please contact us first to check and confirm the time】 【If you are interested in participating in this workshop and would like to arrange another date and time, you are welcome to contact us. 】 Parents and children can taste and enjoy tea together! In a lot of ways, kids are more curious, observant and sensitive than adults. It is a good way to develop their senses and motor skills. Brewing and serving tea also brings harmony to the family. What is tea? How are teas classified? What do teas taste like? What is the production process behind each tea? How to brew a cup of good tea (kung-fu way) with a Gai Wan? What is the etiquette of tea and how to serve tea to parents and other members of the family? Duration: 1.5 hrs Fees: HKD500 for each parent with 1 kid (11 years old or under); additional kid: HKD250 Number of people: Minimum 2 people 【If you are interested in participating in this workshop, please contact us first to check and confirm the time】 【If you are interested in participating in this workshop and would like to arrange another date and time, you are welcome to contact us. 】


1. 【If you are interested in participating in this workshop, please contact us first to check and confirm the time】 2. 【If you are interested in participating in this workshop and would like to arrange another date and time, you are welcome to contact us. 】 3. Payment should be made 3 days before the date of the workshop. 4. For those participants who paid the workshop fees and didn't show up, the payment is non-refundable. 5. If the participants are not feeling well on the date of workshop, please contact us to reschedule the date and time of the workshop. 6. When Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above / Black Rainstorm Warning is in force / likely to be issued, the workshop will be cancelled. We will reschedule the date and time of the workshop.

Additional Information
