4Starlings deodorant uses natural ingredients instead of fragrances, aluminum salts, and alcohol to absorb excess moisture and neutralize odor in a gentle and natural way. Only the amount of a pea is needed to maintain 24HR clean and odorless state, and one can can be used for about 4 months.
No antiperspirant ingredients are added to prevent pores from being clogged. Natural ingredients such as diatomaceous earth and potato starch are added to effectively absorb moisture and neutralize odors. Shea butter, coconut oil, and evening primrose oil are used to soothe and soften the skin, and have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties to prevent dryness and itchiness, and can effectively soothe irritation and redness after hair removal.
Strawberry seeds, verbena, and vanilla essential oils intertwine into a sweet and sour aroma.