Flashback Eustoma Rose Gold-plated 925 Silver Bouquet Earrings (with 3 detachabl

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US$ 216.05+
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  • This is a "made-to-order" product. After payment, it will take approximately 30 business days to produce it. Estimated delivery between 4/30~5/3 if you order now.

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Hong Kong
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Over 1 week ago
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Avg. time to ship:
Over 7 days
Flashback Eustoma Rose Gold-plated 925 Silver Bouquet Earrings (with 3 detachabl - Earrings & Clip-ons - Clay Pink
Flashback Eustoma Rose Gold-plated 925 Silver Bouquet Earrings (with 3 detachabl - Earrings & Clip-ons - Clay PinkFlashback Eustoma Rose Gold-plated 925 Silver Bouquet Earrings (with 3 detachablFlashback Eustoma Rose Gold-plated 925 Silver Bouquet Earrings (with 3 detachablFlashback Eustoma Rose Gold-plated 925 Silver Bouquet Earrings (with 3 detachablFlashback Eustoma Rose Gold-plated 925 Silver Bouquet Earrings (with 3 detachablFlashback Eustoma Rose Gold-plated 925 Silver Bouquet Earrings (with 3 detachablFlashback Eustoma Rose Gold-plated 925 Silver Bouquet Earrings (with 3 detachablFlashback Eustoma Rose Gold-plated 925 Silver Bouquet Earrings (with 3 detachablFlashback Eustoma Rose Gold-plated 925 Silver Bouquet Earrings (with 3 detachabl

Product Description

Introduction | 關於

Pamycarie費時費神,用雙手創造出獨有風格。 我們秉持著兩個理念:美麗、獨特,所以一直堅持親手設計及製作商品,亦歡迎客製化,選擇最愛的花搭配最美的色調,希望每位都可以找到專屬於自己的美麗。


Flashback Eustoma Rose Gold-plated 925 Silver Bouquet Earrings (with 3 detachabl - Earrings & Clip-ons - Clay PinkFlashback Eustoma Rose Gold-plated 925 Silver Bouquet Earrings (with 3 detachabl - Earrings & Clip-ons - Clay Pink

Material | 材料
Rose Gold Plated Artistic Wire | Austrian Crystal | Austrian Pearl | Handcrafted Resin Clay Flower | UV Hardening Coating |Rose Gold-plated 925 Silver Ear Stud | Rose Gold-plated Ear Clip
鍍玫瑰金銀線 | 奧地利水晶 | 奧地利水晶珍珠 | 手製樹脂黏土花 | UV膠強化保護層 | 鍍玫瑰金925純銀耳釘 | 鍍玫瑰金925純銀耳夾 |

Finishing | 加工
Fading Resistant | Anti-allergy
防脫色 | 防敏感

Packaging | 包裝
All products will be nicely and carefully packed in our wooden box.
我們會備有精美木盒包裝 ,為產品提供最完善的保護。

Tailormade | 個人化訂造
A complimentary 2-month warranty included in each purchase. Customization after purchase is welcomed. (size, length, etc.) Please visit our concept store to enjoy your warranty service.
Address: Pamycarie, Shop B218, B2 Floor, K11, 18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
客人購入作品後可享兩個月產品保養,歡迎親臨Pamycarie K11概念店進行長度/大小更改。
地址:香港九龍尖沙咀河內道18號K11 B2樓B218店鋪

Handcrafted in Hong Kong | 產地香港 手工製作
All products are made-to-order. Please note that each of the handcrafted products is unique and may slightly vary from website images. We will make sure to only deliver perfections to our customers. Purchased item(s) will be shipped out within 10-14 business days. You may choose to pick up your parcel at our K11 Store or have the parcel mailed by HK Post or SF Express.
所有作品均為接單訂製,請注意每件手製作品均為獨一無二,可能與相片有微小出入,但們會確保把最完美的作品送到客人手上。作品會於下單後的10至14個工作天內完成並發出。客人可選擇親臨Pamycarie K11概念店自取作品,或是選擇香港郵政或順豐郵寄服務。

Product Details

How It's Made
Where It's Made
Hong Kong
Unique Features
Customizable, Pinkoi Exclusive
More than 10
No.317,981 - Accessories  |  No.67,195 - Earrings & Clip-ons
  • 6 sold
  • 114 have saved this item
Product Type
Original Design
Listing Summary
Pamycarie SS19 Camellia

Shipping Fees and More

Send from Hong Kong to :
United States
Shipping Method
Fee for First Item
Fee for Additional Items
Standard shipping
US$ 10.29
US$ 1.29
Courier selected by designer | Estimated delivery between 4/30~5/3 if you order now | Tracking Provided
The actual amount of the shipping fee will be based on the amount displayed in your shopping cart at checkout or the amount collected when your order arrives.
Estimated delivery dates are based on the designer’s product preparation time, the destination, and the shipping duration. The actual delivery date may be affected by the payment time and shipping delays.
Payment method
  • Credit/debit card payment
  • Alipay


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