▲ Made from pure wool crocheted in Himalayas, delicate color changes, natural touch

▲ Each color is unique!

▲ Follow the traditional weaving method and return to the beautiful experience of nature

▲ The devil is hiding in the details, the details are crocheted at the bottom

▲ Manual weaving is time-consuming, and every link is very solid

▲ A

▲ B

▲ C

▲ D

▲ E
▲ The design can be slung back, the strap can be adjusted according to personal preference

▲ Never have to hold the kettle in one hand, it is more convenient to travel, and wear hippy kettle bags to travel the world together!

▲ Attached to the feel carton packaging, it is very convenient for you to send gifts

▲ With the small objects around you,
Imagine a distant country,
Activate the function of mind 3D,
Imagine yourself as a free bird,
It turns out that travel is the most comfortable way of life.
With an exclusive hat, occasionally live a small hippie life!
▲ Material: Himalayan wool
▲ Size:
9-10 cm wide
20 cm length
(Can hold one liter bottle)