[Fleshy Cultural Institute] Daimond- diamond cement pots

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[Fleshy Cultural Institute] Daimond- diamond cement pots - Plants - Cement Gray

Product Description

** ** [Commodity explanation] No holes may be inclined to be placed in hanging pots, a complete presentation diamond shape, combined with the determination of the link diamond cement. https://fbcdn-sphotos-ea.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10665096_711003902313632_5990044835589819127_n.jpg?oh=1e75c79c9539fa9b0bc272ddd4538e48&oe=54FE7EE4&__gda__=1427028690_f3316e06dccf2a1d3df41ff40771a6a7 https://fbcdn-sphotos-fa.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t31.0-8/10537194_727484317332257_468189949747294434_o.jpg ** ** [Specification] High 6 cm deep outer radius of 4.5 cm 9.5 cm 4.8 cm radius (Rough side take maximum value) No drainage holes at the bottom ** ** [Material] Cement / Concrete ** [**] Operate and maintain Diamond basin because the relationship between the structure of the drainage hole did not design yo, please like my friends attention. In addition, shipping time will contain hemp rope (as shown), sometimes loose rope off, please re-confirm what when in use, the rope taut again. [**] ** Designers and brand profile Designer / small its CHI Design Studio Brand / fleshy Cultivation Research Institute Succulent Plants Studio Our products are all hand-made independent, non-generally supplies or tableware basin is made. We want the head of hair, complex correction entity scale, handmade works of forming, and taking into consideration the growth characteristics of plants and create for different planting pots planted authoring. [Note] ** ** Buy Cement basin is a graduate of pure hand-made goods, each item Jieyou its individual differences, such as porosity and Banbo lines etc are material properties, such as can not accept do not buy. Cement works production schedule needs to consider the environmental factors, sometimes because of weather factors extend the drying time, please buyers understanding. ** [Origin / manufacturing methods] ** Kaohsiung, Taiwan handmade

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