The simple and smooth line of the Zen Zen Cup demonstrates the definition of simplicity and inner peace. The cup has no extra curves, fancy decorations or patterns. This product only uses colored silicone rubber ring to protect hands from hot drinks. The design of holding cups with both hands means that users cherish and respect what they have in their hands. The small-capacity tea cup allows people to experience Chinese tea gracefully. Please slow down your steps and slowly taste tea with Zen Tao.
/ colour/
Cup body: black
Cup ring: blue, matcha green
/ Material /
Cup body: ceramic
Cup Ring: Silicone
/ Specifications /
Volume: 76x76x180mm
Weight: 375g
/ colour/
Cup body: black
Cup ring: blue, matcha green
/ Material /
Cup body: ceramic
Cup Ring: Silicone
/ Specifications /
Volume: 76x76x180mm
Weight: 375g