【Peej】‘The Love Bot’ Double layered Acrylic key chains/necklaces

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US$ 9.68
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【Peej】‘The Love Bot’ Double layered Acrylic key chains/necklaces - Necklaces - Acrylic Black
【Peej】‘The Love Bot’ Double layered Acrylic key chains/necklaces - Necklaces - Acrylic Black【Peej】‘The Love Bot’ Double layered Acrylic key chains/necklaces【Peej】‘The Love Bot’ Double layered Acrylic key chains/necklaces

Product Description

【Peej】‘The Love Bot’ Double layered Acrylic key chains/necklaces - Necklaces - Acrylic Black
Having a big heart and all, this robot loves to share his feelings, but don’t worry: there’s an ‘on/off’ switch on him too!
【Peej】‘The Love Bot’ Double layered Acrylic key chains/necklaces - Necklaces - Acrylic Black

/Product Info/
【Peej】‘The Love Bot’ Double layered Acrylic key chains/necklaces - Necklaces - Acrylic Black
The double layered acrylic provides a layer of depth by contrasting the black against the white. Each character can be a necklace or a keychain.

Choose from A(ball chain), B(strap), C(keychain)
A: ball chain
【Peej】‘The Love Bot’ Double layered Acrylic key chains/necklaces - Necklaces - Acrylic Black
【Peej】‘The Love Bot’ Double layered Acrylic key chains/necklaces - Necklaces - Acrylic Black
【Peej】‘The Love Bot’ Double layered Acrylic key chains/necklaces - Necklaces - Acrylic Black

/Brand Info/
“It’s the little things that make you happy”
Our Peej family is made up of many characters, each with his own little story. The word ‘Peej’ literally means someone that can make you laugh. We hope that our little guys can do just this; to make you happy just by looking at them and to be the perfect accompaniment for your day to day lives.

/Designer info/
Paul originally moved to Taiwan in 2000 and began his life here in education. After some time, he started designing teaching material for young learners and before long he realized that designing was the thing that he had come to love. And so came Peej: a natural progression which still revolved around the most important fundamental; making people smile.

【Peej】‘The Love Bot’ Double layered Acrylic key chains/necklaces - Necklaces - Acrylic Black
【Peej】‘The Love Bot’ Double layered Acrylic key chains/necklaces - Necklaces - Acrylic Black
When you order any of our characters or T-shirts, there will be a small gift in the form of badge or sticker added too.

Made in Taiwan!

Product Details

Unique Features
Pinkoi Exclusive
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No.312,818 - Accessories  |  No.57,104 - Necklaces
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