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/ Commodity Description and story /
Yummy Yummy week notepad
Dimensions: 21 x 13 x 1 cm
Material: paper
Quite a retro feel coil mounted Yummy Yummy week Notepad is undated style freedom filled week notepad, started the coil half is Free Note, the lower half of the week notes, if they are busy, weekly memos no less than remember when small grid, you can always use the upper half of the Free Note aid, so you do not miss any important matter.
Wherein weeks memo format, in particular to retain the two grid marked not filled week of six days is not required if the notes, you can use when the memo.
110P full-color printed pages per week are not the same motif, there is a wealth of hand-painted dishes interspersed including thumbnail pages, simple, lovely and varied, with a full year is not tired Oh!
![Dimeng Qi - Yummy Yummy week notepad [green fruits and vegetables] ▲ ▲ print products - Notebooks & Journals - Other Materials Green](https://cdn04.pinkoi.com/pinkoi.site/space.gif)
![Dimeng Qi - Yummy Yummy week notepad [green fruits and vegetables] ▲ ▲ print products - Notebooks & Journals - Other Materials Green](https://cdn04.pinkoi.com/pinkoi.site/space.gif)
![Dimeng Qi - Yummy Yummy week notepad [green fruits and vegetables] ▲ ▲ print products - Notebooks & Journals - Other Materials Green](https://cdn04.pinkoi.com/pinkoi.site/space.gif)
![Dimeng Qi - Yummy Yummy week notepad [green fruits and vegetables] ▲ ▲ print products - Notebooks & Journals - Other Materials Green](https://cdn04.pinkoi.com/pinkoi.site/space.gif)
![Dimeng Qi - Yummy Yummy week notepad [green fruits and vegetables] ▲ ▲ print products - Notebooks & Journals - Other Materials Green](https://cdn04.pinkoi.com/pinkoi.site/space.gif)
![Dimeng Qi - Yummy Yummy week notepad [green fruits and vegetables] ▲ ▲ print products - Notebooks & Journals - Other Materials Green](https://cdn04.pinkoi.com/pinkoi.site/space.gif)
![Dimeng Qi - Yummy Yummy week notepad [green fruits and vegetables] ▲ ▲ print products - Notebooks & Journals - Other Materials Green](https://cdn04.pinkoi.com/pinkoi.site/space.gif)
![Dimeng Qi - Yummy Yummy week notepad [green fruits and vegetables] ▲ ▲ print products - Notebooks & Journals - Other Materials Green](https://cdn04.pinkoi.com/pinkoi.site/space.gif)
![Dimeng Qi - Yummy Yummy week notepad [green fruits and vegetables] ▲ ▲ print products - Notebooks & Journals - Other Materials Green](https://cdn04.pinkoi.com/pinkoi.site/space.gif)
/ Commodity Description and story /
Yummy Yummy week notepad
Dimensions: 21 x 13 x 1 cm
Material: paper
Quite a retro feel coil mounted Yummy Yummy week Notepad is undated style freedom filled week notepad, started the coil half is Free Note, the lower half of the week notes, if they are busy, weekly memos no less than remember when small grid, you can always use the upper half of the Free Note aid, so you do not miss any important matter.
Wherein weeks memo format, in particular to retain the two grid marked not filled week of six days is not required if the notes, you can use when the memo.
110P full-color printed pages per week are not the same motif, there is a wealth of hand-painted dishes interspersed including thumbnail pages, simple, lovely and varied, with a full year is not tired Oh!
![Dimeng Qi - Yummy Yummy week notepad [green fruits and vegetables] ▲ ▲ print products - Notebooks & Journals - Other Materials Green](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-JdcEIu6ryHE/UOVcgmdZi3I/AAAAAAAACJk/lblmnV_QECI/s1600/slice_01.jpg)
![Dimeng Qi - Yummy Yummy week notepad [green fruits and vegetables] ▲ ▲ print products - Notebooks & Journals - Other Materials Green](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-0-yIRI1Nhf4/UOVcgtKK0-I/AAAAAAAACJo/LxpSFe7RUKU/s1600/slice_02.jpg)
![Dimeng Qi - Yummy Yummy week notepad [green fruits and vegetables] ▲ ▲ print products - Notebooks & Journals - Other Materials Green](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-D-S9AZ6P1KQ/UOVcglahbCI/AAAAAAAACJs/mtm_wFuNxqQ/s1600/slice_03.jpg)
![Dimeng Qi - Yummy Yummy week notepad [green fruits and vegetables] ▲ ▲ print products - Notebooks & Journals - Other Materials Green](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-OwZwuYPD81Y/UOVchTCXV9I/AAAAAAAACJw/QiF2fpJ6RuA/s1600/slice_04.jpg)
![Dimeng Qi - Yummy Yummy week notepad [green fruits and vegetables] ▲ ▲ print products - Notebooks & Journals - Other Materials Green](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-UgG-Pj9y3oQ/UOVchaZAq5I/AAAAAAAACJ4/lR-5IzoS5qw/s1600/slice_05.jpg)
![Dimeng Qi - Yummy Yummy week notepad [green fruits and vegetables] ▲ ▲ print products - Notebooks & Journals - Other Materials Green](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-sUhoxi4jvlk/UOVchh-lmFI/AAAAAAAACJ8/2y1dlmTn9W4/s1600/slice_06.jpg)
![Dimeng Qi - Yummy Yummy week notepad [green fruits and vegetables] ▲ ▲ print products - Notebooks & Journals - Other Materials Green](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-z43JCYmDXtI/UOVciP292UI/AAAAAAAACKI/2JYyIWUPa8Y/s1600/slice_07.jpg)
![Dimeng Qi - Yummy Yummy week notepad [green fruits and vegetables] ▲ ▲ print products - Notebooks & Journals - Other Materials Green](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-WP2vPQeSzd4/UOVcif1EesI/AAAAAAAACKM/pEvhXrlQ2bA/s1600/slice_08.jpg)
![Dimeng Qi - Yummy Yummy week notepad [green fruits and vegetables] ▲ ▲ print products - Notebooks & Journals - Other Materials Green](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-KChcdJMVzQc/UOVciQCA28I/AAAAAAAACKQ/lXd4WeRrr_g/s1600/slice_09.jpg)