▼ Product Introduction
Make a bow
Gave that dear girl
In the will he wear.
▼ buying
◆ Material / quality brass (not fade)
◆ Size /

You can take the tape measure after a round obedient comparison size table
◆ attached beautifully packaged
▼ operate and maintain /
Brass jewelry after wearing contact with air, it oxidizes to a more retro dark brown
Like the color of bright little friend, you can to the hardware store to buy copper oil, copper paste
Let brass redox, you can restore the luster crossing Oh!
☞ designers and brand profile /
7-7-7 HANDMADE bracelet want to convey not only the beauty of the design
Because bracelet meaning, it is representative of the thoughts and blessings
And we will bless this reservation, to convey to your hands.
Make a bow
Gave that dear girl
In the will he wear.
▼ buying
◆ Material / quality brass (not fade)
◆ Size /

You can take the tape measure after a round obedient comparison size table
◆ attached beautifully packaged
▼ operate and maintain /
Brass jewelry after wearing contact with air, it oxidizes to a more retro dark brown
Like the color of bright little friend, you can to the hardware store to buy copper oil, copper paste
Let brass redox, you can restore the luster crossing Oh!
☞ designers and brand profile /
7-7-7 HANDMADE bracelet want to convey not only the beauty of the design
Because bracelet meaning, it is representative of the thoughts and blessings
And we will bless this reservation, to convey to your hands.