Tote bag is the most common, practical and convenient bag type among many bag styles. In order to add some unique style and design to the most common style, we use leather weaving and lines to make different designs. The originally regular and boring bag style adds a bit of lively style, and also adds some unique charm to the originally bland tote bag.
Our studio uses pure hand-sewn leather. Please discuss the color of the leather with the designer before placing an order, and indicate it clearly in the remarks column.
product quality
The material of the middle woven leather tote bag is chrome-tanned pure cowhide. The longer it is used, the leather surface will show a warm texture.
Product Size
Length 40cm×Height 28cm×Bottom width 15cm
This is a custom-made hand-stitched leather bag. Please discuss the leather color with the designer before placing an order, and then indicate clearly in the remarks column.
Since the leather hand-sewn bags are custom-cut and sewn after placing the order and payment, there is no return or exchange service, please forgive me.
Our hand-stitched leather bags are made of natural leather. The leather surface will inevitably have some lines or uneven colors (we will try to avoid it when cutting). It cannot be as perfect and flawless as the PU material. If you are concerned, please think twice.
Orders can be shipped within 10 to 14 working days after payment is placed.
If you want to add other customized services, such as laser engraving, you can communicate with the designer before placing an order.
Our studio uses pure hand-sewn leather. Please discuss the color of the leather with the designer before placing an order, and indicate it clearly in the remarks column.
product quality
The material of the middle woven leather tote bag is chrome-tanned pure cowhide. The longer it is used, the leather surface will show a warm texture.
Product Size
Length 40cm×Height 28cm×Bottom width 15cm
This is a custom-made hand-stitched leather bag. Please discuss the leather color with the designer before placing an order, and then indicate clearly in the remarks column.
Since the leather hand-sewn bags are custom-cut and sewn after placing the order and payment, there is no return or exchange service, please forgive me.
Our hand-stitched leather bags are made of natural leather. The leather surface will inevitably have some lines or uneven colors (we will try to avoid it when cutting). It cannot be as perfect and flawless as the PU material. If you are concerned, please think twice.
Orders can be shipped within 10 to 14 working days after payment is placed.
If you want to add other customized services, such as laser engraving, you can communicate with the designer before placing an order.