Thai Saloo Cotton Scarf Botanical Dyed Cotton.
Code : CS106
Length : 260 cm.
Width : 120 cm.
A : Brown Color

Brown color is made from ebony.
Ebony or Makluea (Diospyros mollis)
Ma Kluea or Ba Kluea in northern dialect is normally used as traditional medicine. And, it also is used in fabric industry as dye. To produced dye, Ma Kluea fruit is fermented and bring the liquid from fermentation to filtered. The final color of fermented Makluea liquid is brown.
B : Green Color

Green color is made from Peka.
Peka (Oroxylum indicum)
Peka is normally traditional medicine and now, it is use as dye. Peka 's bark is the part of tree which are use to produce dye. The bark is choped and bring to bioled. The dye color of Peka is green.
C : Tan Color

Tan color is made from Pradoo.
Du / Pradoo (Pterocarpus indicus)
By the folk creation, Pradoo ,which is economics wood, is brought into fabric industry. The pradoo bark is use to produced dye. The bark is grounded and bring to boiled. The boiled liquid is extract to dye. Pradoo is another raw material which is suitable with conservation.
D : Pink Color

Pink color is made from shellac.
Shellac (Krang)
Lac is the resinous secretion of lac insects. Lac is used to cover the body of lac insects and protect it from dangerous. Human took sticklac from tree and use it. Sticklac is scarlet. So after crunched and dissolve, the dye is scarlet pink color which is beautiful as natural color.
E : Natural - White Color

We select high quality cotton and hemp yarns by dyeing and cleaning the lines. For the comfort of the user. And focus on beautiful colors. And care about the environment and people do it by avoiding raw materials or procedures that cause all kinds of toxins. Our products are safe and environmentally friendly.
Every item in store is handmade by the seller, so there will be some differences between the colour and texture of the actual product you receive and what is shown in the picture. But this also adds to the uniqueness of each product! Your understanding is appreciated.
How To Care For Botanical Dyed Cotton ^^

PS : The color of the image you see may be distorted, depending on the display of the device you are using.
Code : CS106
Length : 260 cm.
Width : 120 cm.
A : Brown Color

Brown color is made from ebony.
Ebony or Makluea (Diospyros mollis)
Ma Kluea or Ba Kluea in northern dialect is normally used as traditional medicine. And, it also is used in fabric industry as dye. To produced dye, Ma Kluea fruit is fermented and bring the liquid from fermentation to filtered. The final color of fermented Makluea liquid is brown.
B : Green Color

Green color is made from Peka.
Peka (Oroxylum indicum)
Peka is normally traditional medicine and now, it is use as dye. Peka 's bark is the part of tree which are use to produce dye. The bark is choped and bring to bioled. The dye color of Peka is green.
C : Tan Color

Tan color is made from Pradoo.
Du / Pradoo (Pterocarpus indicus)
By the folk creation, Pradoo ,which is economics wood, is brought into fabric industry. The pradoo bark is use to produced dye. The bark is grounded and bring to boiled. The boiled liquid is extract to dye. Pradoo is another raw material which is suitable with conservation.
D : Pink Color

Pink color is made from shellac.
Shellac (Krang)
Lac is the resinous secretion of lac insects. Lac is used to cover the body of lac insects and protect it from dangerous. Human took sticklac from tree and use it. Sticklac is scarlet. So after crunched and dissolve, the dye is scarlet pink color which is beautiful as natural color.
E : Natural - White Color

We select high quality cotton and hemp yarns by dyeing and cleaning the lines. For the comfort of the user. And focus on beautiful colors. And care about the environment and people do it by avoiding raw materials or procedures that cause all kinds of toxins. Our products are safe and environmentally friendly.
Every item in store is handmade by the seller, so there will be some differences between the colour and texture of the actual product you receive and what is shown in the picture. But this also adds to the uniqueness of each product! Your understanding is appreciated.
How To Care For Botanical Dyed Cotton ^^

PS : The color of the image you see may be distorted, depending on the display of the device you are using.