lh5.googleusercontent.com/-conH_nae...2596% 25E7% 2589% 2587.jpg
Depending on the screen, there will be different proportions of color! We have tried to avoid color, but still can not grasp the screen everyone at home Ah! ! ! ! Very mind the color of friends! Please think twice before the next single Oh ~

The Simple Life 2012 This is to design activities from deerskin official T-shirt! !
We are Young, Sould be Wild!
Let's first thought is, and old, and vegetarian, looks very nice Brontosaurus
So we put overkill Simple Life poster girl equipment, dressed in brontosaurus body!
Let look so gentle brontosaurus, can be so Wild!
Brontosaurus can be so, and we saw no reason not to Wild it? ?
No matter what your current young young, wild not wild, henceforth should do something like
Let things like valuable!
Deerskin design
(Plate, cloth, painting, detail, story)
Hand sewing factories in Taiwan, manufacturing

Girls height / weight = 161/44, wearing No. S
Another M number and size XS!
(Size table in the bottom of the page)

Behind Simple Life and LOOPY! Jointly words!

Dinosaurs are shallow green lake, after pulling color processing, and general offset printing different
Dinosaurs and fabric as soft, not sticky!

Words have been pulling back of the color processing ~

Buckskin new bids!

Side exposed face can not hide deer -
This time we take pictures with & quot; Simple Life & quot; theme
We both took the simple life one day!
Leisurely day, we will set out from home
To those in Itabashi our favorite "good early breakfast!"
The store has a lot of delicious breakfast to the explosion, a good magazine with inspiring!
The good early breakfast to also experience the store cat store!
Just to see him in the stool! Haha!
YA! Together enjoy the beautiful photo now!

1.bp.blogspot.com/-yQuR5XyS3vc/ULNt...A1% A8.jpeg
Depending on the screen, there will be different proportions of color! We have tried to avoid color, but still can not grasp the screen everyone at home Ah! ! ! ! Very mind the color of friends! Please think twice before the next single Oh ~

The Simple Life 2012 This is to design activities from deerskin official T-shirt! !
We are Young, Sould be Wild!
Let's first thought is, and old, and vegetarian, looks very nice Brontosaurus
So we put overkill Simple Life poster girl equipment, dressed in brontosaurus body!
Let look so gentle brontosaurus, can be so Wild!
Brontosaurus can be so, and we saw no reason not to Wild it? ?
No matter what your current young young, wild not wild, henceforth should do something like
Let things like valuable!
Deerskin design
(Plate, cloth, painting, detail, story)
Hand sewing factories in Taiwan, manufacturing

Girls height / weight = 161/44, wearing No. S
Another M number and size XS!
(Size table in the bottom of the page)

Behind Simple Life and LOOPY! Jointly words!

Dinosaurs are shallow green lake, after pulling color processing, and general offset printing different
Dinosaurs and fabric as soft, not sticky!

Words have been pulling back of the color processing ~

Buckskin new bids!

Side exposed face can not hide deer -
This time we take pictures with & quot; Simple Life & quot; theme
We both took the simple life one day!
Leisurely day, we will set out from home
To those in Itabashi our favorite "good early breakfast!"
The store has a lot of delicious breakfast to the explosion, a good magazine with inspiring!
The good early breakfast to also experience the store cat store!
Just to see him in the stool! Haha!
YA! Together enjoy the beautiful photo now!

1.bp.blogspot.com/-yQuR5XyS3vc/ULNt...A1% A8.jpeg